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50 Really Annoying Facebook Friends We All Have

The list to end all lists is here. How many of these people are on your friends list?

35. The Guilt Trip Friend

The world is full of heartless people. These people aren’t among them though. They care too much, and they’ll judge you if you don’t care too. If you don’t share their status, they’ll make you feel like not just a bad person, but an evil person. The images they want you to share are always very ugly too…

Annoying Facebook Friends: Guilt Trip Friend

34. The Constantly Negative Friend

These friends mistake Facebook for a support group as opposed to 400 or 500 so-called friends that, in reality, they hardly know. If they’re posting a status, it’s informing the world how down they are about this or that. Show these people that you care by liking their status. Yep, that won’t look awkward at all…

Annoying Facebook Friends: Constantly Negative Friend

33. The “Facebook Official After One Date” Friend

These friends are constantly in new relationships and then single again on Facebook. They won’t ever admit it, but we all know they’re adding their dating relationships literally as they are on their first date, sometimes even before. People, one date doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship. In fact, if you’re still counting the dates, you’re not in a relationship.

Annoying Facebook Friends: Facebook Official After One Date Friend

32. The Pyramid Scheme Friend

This friend has something to sell and doesn’t care if the whole world knows it. They’ll try to get all of their friends to jump on board with the latest and greatest money making program out there. Do you really need what they’re selling? They think you do, and they’ll have you buying in in no time at all…

Annoying Facebook Friends: Pyramid Scheme Friend

31. The Animal Lover Friend

This friend is always posting weird pictures of their pets. If only we all loved their pet as much as they did. Then, these pictures might actually be welcome. At any rate, these friends obviously have too much time on their hands. They’ll even make their pet their profile picture.

Annoying Facebook Friends: Animal Lover Friend

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Written by Andrew Fischer

Andrew Fischer is the Head Writer and Editor-in-Chief of PopMalt. He is an avid follower of all things pop and Internet culture, and works as Creative Director at NURV, a boutique creative multimedia and digital marketing company. He is also the founder of The Jericho Joe.
