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50 Really Annoying Facebook Friends We All Have

The list to end all lists is here. How many of these people are on your friends list?

40. The Birthday Friend

If your friends set their birthday on Facebook, they’ll become this friend exactly once every year. Do you know them well enough to wish them a happy birthday? If you do, will they think you’re closer than you really are? Will they want to do lunch suddenly? Will they be hurt if you ignore them? Do you have to wish them happy birthday on Facebook if you are going to see them in person today? These are some of the most difficult questions in life.

Annoying Facebook Friends: Birthday Friend

39. The Personality Quiz Friend

Which Disney Princess are you? Which romantic comedy are you? Not only are these quizzes annoying, but they can’t be taken seriously by anybody over the age of 13. Even so, they don’t seem to be going away any time soon.

Annoying Facebook Friends: Personality Quiz Friend
Annoyed with these quizzes? Check out our other article “21 Humbling Personality Quiz Results Your Friends Deserve“.

38. The Shockingly Gullible Friend

These people are slowly but surely ruining Facebook for everbody else. Did you know that Facebook is about to charge a thousand dollars per year to use it? They do, and they’ll make sure you know it too. If you don’t have somebody who falls for these chain mail gags on your friends list, consider yourself lucky.

Annoying Facebook Friends: Shockingly Gullible Friend

37. The Journalist Friend

These friends are great. They couldn’t quite land a career in news, but they’re not going to let that stop them from reporting it. It’s as if they don’t realize that news sites exist. Every major news site will have reported on something major 24/7 for the past few days, but when these friends finally learn the news, they’re reporting it days late as if it’s their sole mission in life. After all, if they don’t tell the world, who will?

Annoying Facebook Friends: Journalist Friend

36. The Overly Proud Parent Friend

Remember when you only had to look at pictures of your friends’ kids once a year in a Christmas letter? Those days are long gone. Today, thanks to Facebook, this has become an epidemic. With the dawn of readily available consumer photo and video sharing options, this problem isn’t going away soon. Nowadays, you’ll be kept apprised of your friends’ kids meal schedules, potty training, and everything in-between. (And of course their profile picture is a picture of their kid, not them.)

Annoying Facebook Friends: Overly Proud Parent Friend

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Written by Andrew Fischer

Andrew Fischer is the Head Writer and Editor-in-Chief of PopMalt. He is an avid follower of all things pop and Internet culture, and works as Creative Director at NURV, a boutique creative multimedia and digital marketing company. He is also the founder of The Jericho Joe.
