
Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer 2 is Impressive. Most Impressive

The second Star Wars Episode VII Teaser Trailer has just been released, and The Force is strong with it. Not only does it answer some more questions about who specifically is in the film, but it lets audiences hear and see classic characters. But you didn’t come here to read about it… Just watch.

The trailer will feel very familiar to Star Wars fans, but two images stand out. First, the rubble of a crashed Star Destroyer further confirm that this film is set in a time far after the events of Episode VI.


And as intriguing as the charred Darth Vader mask we see during Luke’s voice over is, it’s what Luke says that leaves us pondering the story implications. “My father has it”, referring to The Force.


Will Vader somehow make an appearance in this movie? Only time will tell.

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Written by Andrew Fischer

Andrew Fischer is the Head Writer and Editor-in-Chief of PopMalt. He is an avid follower of all things pop and Internet culture, and works as Creative Director at NURV, a boutique creative multimedia and digital marketing company. He is also the founder of The Jericho Joe.
