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21 Sarcastic Personality Quiz Results Your Annoying Friends Deserve

Which Star Wars character are you? Just for asking that, you are Jar Jar Binks. Happy now?

Do your friends annoy you by constantly posting ridiculous personality quiz results you know don’t quite represent them honestly? Share this more realistic list with them to take their egos down a peg or two. Deep down, we all wish our friends were getting different results. Not necessarily super mean results, but at least results too embarrassing to actually share with the world. Here are 21 personality quiz results all of your annoying quiz-posting friends deserve to be slapped with. Come hither, children of the Internet. Humble pie is served.

21. Which Lord of the Rings Character Are You?

Oh, how fun! Let’s all take this quiz and find out that we’re Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, etc. Well, how about that? You got Legolas. No. Just no. You’re freaking Gollum. You’re annoying. You’re creepy. You slink around with your underwear riding halfway down your thighs. You kind of have a cool sounding voice, but your smell cancels that out.

Photo credit: New Line Cinema, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”
Photo credit: New Line Cinema, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”

20. Which Frozen Character Are You?

Just let it go. You know you’re not one of the cool characters, yes, pun intended. You’re melted Olaf. You’re a puddle of water; the tragic remains of a stupid snowman who for some reason thought summer was his thing. You don’t have all the lights on upstairs. You’re not playing with a full deck. But, that won’t stop you from sharing these quiz results. You know why? Because online quizzes are cool. (See, I just used the same pun again there. You might have missed it. Go back. You’ll see.)

Photo credit: Walt Disney Pictures, “Frozen”
Photo credit: Walt Disney Pictures, “Frozen”

19. Which Breaking Bad Character Are You?

You are not the one who knocks. You’re the idiot who stumbles into a public restroom while looking down at your smart phone as Katy Perry sings sweetly to you through your ear bud headphones. In this moment of complete digital bliss, you forget the fact that every third stall door in the world has a broken lock. But you are not the one who knocks. You’re the one who accidentally walks in on a frightened and vulnerable 44 year old on the toilet. Your eyes meet as you share a touching, yet heart breaking moment, that promises to haunt both of your dreams for the rest of your lives.

Photo credit: Andrew Fischer
Photo credit: Andrew Fischer

18. Which Twilight Character Are You?

Ooooh… Another fun one to take. Will you be Edward or Jacob? What about Bella? You go through the questions one by one, hoping and praying as your body nearly goes into convulsion out of excitement. Yeah… you’re Jacobelledward, and really, I mean that in the worst possible way. Don’t even try to claim that you’re on team Edward and that these results aren’t fair. You’re still getting all three. You can’t go back and change your answers and try to get who you want on this one. The worst part is, if you really think about it, you’re actually okay with your results. You’ve probably already submitted them to Facebook by now too. You’re nothing more than a celebrity “item” wannabe. You need to stop worrying so much about paranormal soaps like Twilight and learn how to have a healthy romantic relationship in real life.

Photo credit: Summit Entertainment
Photo credit: Summit Entertainment

17. Which Superhero Are You?

Iron Man? Black Widow? Captain America? Batman? Nope, you’re a wannabe imposter superhero at best. You have absolutely no super powers whatsoever and you don’t have a cool name or a cool costume. You are not even close to Batman. Your home-made costume includes hockey pads. Not so fun to post now, huh? Go on, share it. If your friends are anything like you, you’ll still get plenty of “likes”.

Photo credit: Warner Brothers
Photo credit: Warner Brothers

16. Which Type of Dog Are You?

Great Dane? St. Bernard? German Shepherd? No. Of course not. You’re the dog on the left in the picture below. You lack judgment. You lack preparedness. You see no possible downside to laying near the business end of a dog known to burn excess fuel from time to time. In fact, part of you hopes it happens. We all knew you didn’t really get hacked all of those times you said you liked all those gross things. That was totally you each time.

Photo credit: Andrew Fischer
Photo credit: Andrew Fischer
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Written by Andrew Fischer

Andrew Fischer is the Head Writer and Editor-in-Chief of PopMalt. He is an avid follower of all things pop and Internet culture, and works as Creative Director at NURV, a boutique creative multimedia and digital marketing company. He is also the founder of The Jericho Joe.
