8. Donald Trump Will Keep Late Night Comedians on Air
As Seth Meyers pointed out, with visible frustration, some days it’s just plain hard to find comedy in the daily news. With Donald Trump’s announcement of his presidency, however, Seth felt he and others would be good for a while.
7. Donald Trump’s Hair is Real and it’s Spectacular
While word on the street is that the Donald wears a toupée, the truth of the matter seems to be vastly different. As he clearly demonstrates in this video, his hair may not necessarily be presidential, but it’s definitely real.
6. Donald Trump Will Single-Handedly Revamp Fashion
Before long, everybody will be wearing pink ties made in China.
5. Donald Trump Brings David Letterman Out of Retirement
David Letterman openly admitted to making the biggest mistake of his life by retiring from late night just before Donald Trump announced his presidential bid. Regardless, he briefly came out of comedy retirement recently to deliver a classic Letterman staple, a Donald Trump top 10 list.
4. Donald Trump Has President Obama Roast-Worthy Thick Skin
When President Obama roasted Donald Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Trump appeared to take the verbal beating in stride, even appearing to laugh at times.
3. Donald Trump Will Call You Maybe
In a more recent incident since his bid was announced, Donald Trump gave out Senator Lindsey Graham’s phone number to a live audience and asked them to call it and see if it worked. Needless to say, it didn’t work for long.
2. Donald Trump Starred in a “Call Me Maybe” Music Video
Speaking of calling somebody maybe, the Donald proved his lip sync abilities by lending his presence to the Miss USA music video for Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe”. This is not a joke. He’s really in there twice.
1. Donald Trump Has Incredible Speech Writers
There’s no question about it. Donald Trump may not be able to deliver a speech worthy of being mentioned in the same sentence as the Gettysburg Address, but he can deliver a speech. (Oops, see what just happened there?)
Ok, obviously that wasn’t actually Donald Trump. In all fairness to him, here’s his impression of Frank Caliendo.
What do you think about Mr. Trump’s presidential bid? Would you vote for him? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments section below.
Title Photo credit: Michael Vadon, CC BY-SA 4.0